Tag Archive: ghostdub

::::cascade:::: [ image ]

:::::ghostdub:::6C::::::::: [ image ]

Interest in the engineering of cyber-physical information gathering and utilizing systems (CIGUS) has burgeoned in part due to the proliferation of wireless technology [1] and in part due to the growing demand for intelligible information. Such systems are complicated, with hierarchies of interfaces containing underlying complexity. They often involve distributed network sensors. The configuration can be
dynamic, static and adaptive. Increasingly they involve real time collaboration among agents of varying degrees of autonomy. The
interface of high yield systems often hides underlying subsystem complexity which pose new challenges to systems engineering[2].
Systems engineers are expected to provide a common level of communication amongst the domains of expertise that enable research,
development and design of the system to converge. As the domains become highly optimized, the language and models become so specialized that it becomes extremely difficult to communicate across the domains.

::::phase5hift:::: [ image ]

::::phase shift:::: [ image ]

::::scene deleted::::

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ghostdub. that’s what they all call me – i can’t even remember the name i had before. ghostdub.ghost.dub. because. because. because…i was dead. straight flatline. butbutbut.but Suzie…Suzie wouldn’t let them cut the line.screaming hysterical said she’d kill anyone who tried. Time…you… you lose it, over there. beyond the beyond. The Great Whatever. everything becomes like liquid. When the marbles finally returned they told me that I’d been gone 16 minutes. Guaranteed brain death. Youre produce.
but then i came back. They think… was it me? or just an echo? a dub? it stuck. what came back wasn’t what left, they say. corrupted.decompression error perhaps. They tied me up for my own protection. maybe theirs. i was in that place for quite a long time. halfmad. half here half there. Frankly, I’m still not really here.
at first they wouldn’t let me dive. said i might not come back at all. but i snuck it. it actually made me better…like i needed to dive to feel whole. Now i’m really only half here – constant transmission. i have someone to keep an eye on me. Whilst gone they say I got into mischief. i don’t remember.



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