Okay, this is from 2006, but it’s news to me.  Plus, Jim Jarmusch is one of the select few who gets into my “film makers I rilly rilly love” list.  Okay, the list isn’t that select, but regardless Jarmusch is awesome. AS IF such an indie god amongst men would steal a script! I can’t wait to see his new film The Limits of Control.


Who is the heinous culprit who claimed this script as his own? Incredibly, Martin is suing New York filmmaker Jim Jarmusch, alleging that his Two Weeks Off became the basis of Jarmusch’s 2005 “Broken Flowers.” Martin told Kahn, “It was the perfect crime” because “Who would believe that someone like Jarmusch, an icon of indie-film integrity, would rip off a struggling screenwriter like me?”

via Gerald Peary – essays – Jim Jarmusch.